Monday, August 27, 2007

Sorting Fun 1

Toddlers and preschoolers naturally love to classify and sort. This simple sorting activity is easy to put together with items from around your home.

muffin tin
2-5 each of a variety of the following dried pasta and beans, buttons, cotton balls, other small items

Put a selection of different small items in a small bowl, such as different shapes and colors of dried pasta. Put one of each different item in different sections of the muffin tin. Help your child sort the remaining items by putting them in the section with the matching items.

Master Skills:
Sorting, classifying, understanding same and different, organization

Friday, March 16, 2007

St. Patrick's Day Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

These St. Patrick's Day activities will send you child's imagination into overdrive. Introduce your child to the holiday the week before by reading St. Patrick's Day and leprechaun storybooks. Also, have him or her help you pick out a green outfit to wear that morning.

1. Make a pitcher of The Leprechaun's Favorite Apple Cider. Take a bottle of sparkling apple cider and pour it into a clear glass pitcher. Have your child help you stir in a few drops of food coloring at a time until you get the shade of green that you want. Show your child how a few drops of color can change the entire color of the apple cider.

2. Stage a few Leprechaun Pranks. Drop your child's favorite plastic figurine into the fish tank, dye the milk green, put a favorite stuffed animal way up on a light fixture, etc... Everywhere the leprechaun does a trick, leave behind a small treat such as a Shamrock sticker, a gold or green wrapped small candy, or a St. Patrick's day cookie to show that the prank was done in fun. You can also scatter a pinch of gold glitter for gold dust to show that the leprechauns were there.

3. Eat a green meal. Let your child help you pick out the green foods for lunch or dinner. Hey, your picky eater might even try some of those green vegetables he or she never wants to try. Some green foods you may want to try: green apples, green beans, peas, green salad, celery, pickles, lime yogurt, spinach pasta with a white sauce, pasta with pesto, chicken baked with lots of green herbs, and cookies or cupcakes with green frosting.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Early Money Concepts for Young Children

It's never too early to help your toddler or preschooler learn money concepts. These age appropriate activities will give your child a jumpstart into understanding the wide world of finance.

1. Buy your child a piggy bank and encourage him/her to put money that she earns or finds into it. I started my son off young by buying a piggy bank that matched the decor of his room. Between the ages of one and two, I gave him a pile of loose change and showed him how to put money in the piggy bank (I watched him closely of course to make sure he didn't eat any coins). He enjoyed it so much that now anytime he finds a coin on the ground he gives it to me to put in his pocket so we can put it in his piggy bank at home. Occasionally, we pour out all of his money and I make a big deal out of how much he has saved. (Small Motor Skills, Money Concepts)

2. Save your change for a while and teach your child the names of each of the coins. Then show your child how many quarters make a dollar, how many nickels make a dollar, etc... This activity will give him or her an early start on the concept of different values of money. Then practice counting the coins together. (Numbers and Counting, Money Concepts)

3. Give your child a handful of change and let him or her sort it into different colors then different sizes. Go over the names of each coin. (Sorting, Money Concepts, Colors, Sizes)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

More Snowy Day Fun

These snow activities are great for kids of all ages.

Make Ice Blocks: Fill plastic cups and containers with water and freeze overnight. Run under warm water until the ice slips out. Let kids use the ice as blocks.

Build a Snow Fort: Help your kids build a walls of snow and pack down the floor so that it's solid. A fort is a great place to play with ice blocks.

Go for a hike in the snow: Keep an eye out for animal tracks and ask your kids who you think made them. Ask your kids how they think animals survive in the winter. What do they eat? How do they keep warm?

Roll a giant snowball: Start with a baseball sized snowball and show your kids how to roll it in the snow to make it grow larger. Stop occasionally to pat the snow down. See who can make the largest snowball.

What are your favorite snow activities to do with kids? Share with us in the comments section.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Snow Ice Cream

Your kids will be so excited when you tell them that you are making snow ice cream. I think the simple vanilla ice cream is the best, since it still looks like snow and tastes great. A dash or two of peppermint extract adds a little arctic chill to the flavor.

8 c. clean snow (Or use shaved ice from a snow cone maker)
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 t. vanilla
Chocolate sauce, to taste (optional)
Flavored extracts, such as almond extract or peppermint extract (optional)

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and serve immediately.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Classic Snow Fun for Toddlers and Preschoolers

When going to the snow with your children, make sure they have the proper snow gear. If cost is an issue, ask around to see if there is a suit or boots you can borrow--most parents want to see their little used snow gear put to good use. Another option is to check your local sporting goods store or ski rental shop for snow boots and overalls that you can rent.

1. Sledding Make sure your sled has a cord for pulling or a place to tie one. If your child is timid flying high speed down hill, you may want to pull your child behind you until he/she is more comfortable. Or make sure your sled is large enough for you to go down with your child.

2. Snow Family Make large, medium, and small snow people that correspond to the sizes of your family.

3. Snow Angels Help your little ones up so they can see their perfect snow creations.

What other snow traditions does your family have?

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Peanut Butter Play Dough

This fun recipe combines playtime and snacktime. Be ready for bathtime after!

2 cups peanut butter
1 cup honey
2 cups instant nonfat dried milk

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a bowl Mold into desired shapes or use cookie cutters. Decorate with raisins, mini M&Ms, pretzel sticks, goldfish crackers, rainbow sprinkles, and coconut.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Lacing Cards

My son loves his birthday cards almost as much as the presents that go with them. This project helped me recycle them and the finished products made a great activity for car rides.

Master Skill: Small Motor Skills

Materials: Old postcards or birthday cards, shoelaces or yarn, hole punch, glue stick

Method: Cut the front half off of the birthday card. If desired, cut out the main picture, leaving at least a half inch border around it. Use a glue stick to glue the two halves of the card together so that the front of the card is facing out on one side and the inside of the card is facing out ont he other. Using a hole punch, make a series of holes not more than an inch apart around the picture. Tie the yarn or shoelace to one hole. (If using yarn, make a "needle" by taping one end) Show your child how to thread the yarn through each hole.

Safety reminder: Keep yarn, rope, or strings longer than 6 inches away from babies and young toddlers. Supervise use of any rope, yarn, or string with older toddlers and young children.

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Obstacle Course

Major Skill: Large Motor Skills

Set up a short obstacle course for your child and demonstrate each obstacle. Assist younger children through the course. Use a watch to time older children and challenge them to beat their previous times. Older children can also make up their own courses.

Sample Obstacle Course:

Obstacle #1: Balance Beam
Place a 2x4 board directly on the ground. Children must walk across the broad side without falling off. Check first for nails or screws that may be protruding from the board.
Obstacle #2: Tunnel
Set up a row of lawn chairs that children must crawl through.
Obstacle #3: Ladder Walk
Place a wooden ladder on the ground. Children must step in each opening.
Obstacle #4:Your Choice
Please leave your obstacle ideas as comments. I'd love to hear them!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

So Very Busy

My little boy is more than busy. He's even more than very busy. When I describe him, he is so very busy. In the course of a couple of minutes he will push his race cars in between the cushions of the couch, throw the throw pillows off of the couch, run to the window to see what the cat is doing then tell me all about it, jump down the hallway yelling "jumping, jumping," and then run back at a full sprint with a book he pulled off of his bookshelf and push it against my leg saying "Book, pwease." Whew! What a lot of living my son packs into a couple of minutes.

This blog is for my son, and for me. I want to help him live out his zest for life and encourage his love of learning during his toddler and preschool years.